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Welcome to my portfolio

Hello! I'm Antoine Paquette, a slightly obsessive video game enthusiast. I am almost done with my Game And Level Design study at College LaSalle and I'm looking for a position as Technical Level Designer. I have already some experience in game development.



Procedural Level Generator

I made a Procedural Level Generation system (For the documentation). It generates the level based on premade tiles. The system was built as a part of a game and is made following the constraints of it, such as deadlines and respect of the theme. I also made it super easy to expend and customize to fit the need of any project. One of the example of it being super easy to use, is that every pertinent variable is public. The screen shot behind is when I added assets to make it fit into the game's setting and theme.



Plug-In (a game)

In my previous studies at Collège Bois-de-Boulogne (In Technique Integration Multimedia), as a final project, 5 other people and I worked the entire session (2.5 months at 30hrs/week) on this game, I did all of the level design for the game (For the documentation). We worked by the Agile method, had weekly builds, standups and etc. We did so as a part of a course called "Simulation of Production". The goal was to simulate what it is like to work in the industry. After finishing the game we decided to upload it onto, but not long after we did so, Newgrounds offered us to host our game on their site. Here is where you can test it if you want!


Psyche Pilfer (a game)

In my studies at Collège Lasalle (In Game and Level Design), we took part in the schools Game Jam. 3 other people and myself made this, a first person puzzle game, I took the part of a programmer. I did my work while referencing the game design document we did at the start of the semester. The game is about stealing other mutant's powers and using them in creative ways to be able to escape the facility you are stuck in. The theme of the game jam was "To Steal One's Thunder" and we tried to make something a bit outside the box. In this game. You can see the game and the reviews, here.

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